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Digimon Fusion Fighters
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Digimon Fusion Fighters
Digimon Fusion Fighters
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Jun 10, 2022, 9:38 PM
Revised w/ animations stored in the fbx.
May 7, 2021, 7:51 PM
Its have Beelzemon model?
Dec 12, 2018, 1:20 PM
I've also learnt that Xros Wars models are from an arcade game.
Jul 3, 2018, 2:43 PM
Well most of these models were also re-used for PSP,

Agumon, Impmon, Lilithmon, Meramon, MarineAngemon, Goblimon, MagnaAngemon, Leviamon, Garurumon, Kamemon is are the ones here.

They're all originally from Digimon Savers : Another Mission. Most of the Digimon World Re:Digitize and Digimon Adventure models are also from DS:AM.

However, WarGreymon X, V-mon and Guilmon models are from Digimon World 4 with minor texture edits (such as more comic style textures for WarGreymon X for DS:AM, but they're the same exact mesh).

ArmedMadLeomon also uses DS:AM Leomon partially for its mesh.
May 28, 2018, 2:45 PM
@KurainoOni I've notice that as well, Andromon's Adventure PSP model is reused in Cyber Sleuth/Hacker's Memory, Re:Digitize, and Links. Heck, take a look on Magnamon and WarGreymon's models here.
May 28, 2018, 10:16 AM
Yeah, I noticed this myself the other day while dumping textures from Digimon Adventure with ppsspp since some of the model's textures aren't exported with transparency using Noesis, I figured I'd check out the textures of Digimon World Redigitize while I was at it.

I just dumped Laylamon's texture from DW:RE to compare myself. Comparison
May 27, 2018, 3:38 PM
Something interesting to note is that most of the non Xros Wars/Fusion Fighters models in this app are almost exactly the same as the PSP version. I have to check, but the textures seem to be the same as well(minus Lilithmon/Laylamon, whose texture was changed to reduce her cleavage).

The ones I can confirm are Agumon, ChibiTortomon/ChibiGamemon, Garurumon, Goblimon, Lilithmon(as mentioned above),MagnaAngemon, MarineAngemon, Meramon and Shoutmon(Baseform). Not Sure, if Leviamon uses the 3ds Model though, since I havent reached the Demon Lord Story on the 3ds version of Re:Digitize yet.
Sep 22, 2017, 2:53 PM
theres another one?
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